Live Video Broadcasting Must-Haves

Live video, or live streaming, is lighting social media on fire these days. Without a doubt, it is the future of social interaction. With the likes of Facebook, Periscope, YouTube, Blab and others putting live video content at the forefront of their platforms, it is quickly gaining more mainstream attention. Early adopters are already reaping the benefits of engaging with their audiences via live video, yet only a very small percentage of all internet users are taking advantage of this interactive tool. Now is the time! If you haven’t yet explored how you can utilize live video for your business, it is critical to get on board now. In this blog, we share our top 5 core elements essential to successful live video broadcasts.


Confidence is such a critical factor in live video. It is imperative that you come across knowledgeable, poised, and professional on screen. Being confident in your broadcast will relay to your audience that you are an authority on what you are speaking about. If you lack confidence, your audience is less likely to trust you. With the Know-Like-Trust factor being so important in building relationships online, showing confidence in your live video cannot be compromised. Keep your confidence in check though, as over-confidence (egotism) may also have a negative impact on your audience. If you are nervous or shy, the best thing you can do is practice. Record yourself using your mobile device video feature and build your confidence up before going live. Know what you want to say, how you will interact with your audience and what outcome you want to have before you begin your broadcast so that you are effectively prepared. Preparation is the key to coming across confident on screen.


Know who your target audience is and ensure that you are providing value in your live video broadcasts. Again, preparation is key here. Knowing your audience, and particularly their pain points, wants and desires, and motivation triggers, will help shape your content strategy. The important thing to remember is to always give more in value than what you ask for. While live video can be a profitable way to sell your products and services… it shouldn’t always be about the sale. In fact, it should rarely be about the hard-sell. As Gary Vaynerchuk would say, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook.” Your broadcast can provide value in many different forms, depending on what your audience responds best to… whether that be entertainment, escapism, utility, information, etc. So, before you hit the broadcast button, ask yourself “who is this for?” and “how does it provide value to them?”


Be you. Be real. Authenticity is vital to your success in live video. Your audience will connect with you in your most real moments. Live video is not about perfection. It’s about human-to-human connection. Don’t copy what others are doing because it works for them. Find your own way to showcase you or your business in a live format. Your audience will see through you if you aren’t authentic and it will do more harm than good. Being real and true to yourself on live video will allow your audience to connect with you on a more personal level… and that again, is critical to the Know-Like-Trust factor.


Be engaging. Let your personality shine through on your broadcasts. No one wants to watch a bobbing head monologue for 30 minutes… not even when the content is amazing. Energy is the lifeblood of great live video. It’s what will keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Smile, laugh, use body language and tone to tell your story. Engage with your audience when they respond to you and acknowledge those watching. The key to being a good storyteller is to be compelling to your audience… drawing them in with not only your words but also HOW you tell the story. Do this well and you will capture, and retain, the attention of your audience.


Creativity in your broadcasts will set you apart from everyone else. Being creative with your content, the environment, the format, or the method of your delivery will ensure that your live video broadcasts draw new viewers while also keeping current audiences coming back for more. Don’t be afraid to change things up and test different techniques. The beauty of live streaming is that it is relatively new, and there aren’t hard set rules as to how to do it. You have to figure out what works best for you, your brand and most importantly… your audience.


Consistency will play a major part in your success with live video broadcasting. If you don’t have a consistent drumbeat for your live broadcasts, you aren’t effectively setting the expectation with your audience. When you broadcast consistently (and that can vary depending on you and your audience), then people know what and generally when to expect to “see” you. Scheduling your livestream broadcasts can be immensely helpful with keeping you on track (and your audience informed). With consistency, your audience will steadily grow, your comfort and confidence with live video will expand and you will begin to realize the benefits of this real-time conversation tool.


Live video is here. Don’t miss out on this huge opportunity to interact with your audience on a whole new level. Be confident, authentic and consistent with your broadcasts, providing value and showcasing your exuberant personality to tell stories, engage with your audience, and build new relationships that will generate awareness and drive profitability for your business.  

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